The Class of 2021 have excelled. As a collective, they have produced an outstanding set of matric final examination results, despite the immense challenges of COVID they had to face and overcome. To a student, they have performed superbly. Through hard work, commitment and dedication, they have achieved results that will open doors for them in the future. In the words of Disraeli, “There is no education like adversity”. Whilst credit must go to the pupils, it must be acknowledged that without the commitment and professionalism of the staff who have toiled through equally challenging times, we would not be able to celebrate as we are. It is important to also acknowledge the work put in during the foundation phases. I thank all our feeder schools and the dedicated junior school teachers who have ensured that pupils arriving at Stanford Lake College have a solid academic foundation.
We are very proud to announce that once again we have maintained our 100% pass rate, with 93% of our pupils securing Bachelor Degree passes, enabling them to pursue further study at tertiary institutions. The class of 2021 obtained an average of 2,21 A’s per candidate with a total of 95 subject distinctions. Both our Dux, Danish Saleem, and Ethan Jones achieved a full house of eight distinctions. Danish was placed in the top 1% of candidates nationwide in Mathematics with the following candidates also being placed in the top 1% for the subjects listed: Hloni Mangena (Life Orientation), Nikita Stoltz (Afrikaans First Additional Language) and Jonathan Palmer (Maths Literacy).
As a community, we can be extremely proud of this group of Stanfordians. We know that “it takes a village to educate a child” and I thank all those involved in the education of these young people. I wish them all the best as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.
- Mr A Redfern
